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Your PDGM Questions Answered

The new is upon us but Â̲èapp has been preparing for this historic change for more than a year and a half. As PDGM took shape, our team consumed every resource, analyzed all available data, and participated in as many webinars from industry thought leaders as possible. We put this knowledge to very good use by leveraging it to build state-of-the-art PDGM features into our software that were released in May 2019, months ahead of the mandated transition.

Thriving in 2020

Over the past several months there has been a lot written and said about the “carnage” the home health industry could see with the implementation of PDGM. We respectfully disagree with that sentiment and feel that with proper preparation and technology there will be ample opportunity for success. It is our goal to have all Â̲èapp agencies successfully navigate the transition from PPS to PDGM, so that they can continue to provide quality care in the home because that’s where patients prefer to be treated.

To flourish in 2020 and beyond, we knew that there was more that we could do for the industry. Together with friends and partners, Â̲èapp’ clinical staff and management team, provided nine day-long PDGM educational seminars across the country between September and December. Attendees left these seminars in near unanimous agreement that their investment in time and money had been extremely well spent. The educational sessions were much more than PDGM facts and rules; each seminar dug deeply in to the clinical, financial, and operational changes that agencies need to make in order to continue their success in the new payment model.

Answering Frequently Asked Questions

In the course of providing the seminars, we had the opportunity to gather questions and feedback from the attendees. For those who had limited exposure to PDGM, some of the questions were centered around the fundamentals, but for others with deeper understanding, the questions were more complex and more focused on developing successful strategies or adjustments to their usual operations. Each seminar concluded with a panel discussion to provide a forum to have questions asked and answered by the Â̲èapp experts as well as our co-presenters. Attendees and presenters both considered this one of the highlights of the day because the collaboration of responses from the panel provided tremendously helpful and actionable insight.

We can certainly relate to the fact that we all need to continue to learn as much as possible about PDGM, so in order to continue to foster the growth of our agencies and the industry, we have compiled nearly 100 questions that we have received and are pleased to provide you with a . If you have any additional questions about PDGM or the PDGM-related tools that are available in the Â̲èapp Â̲èapp solution, please reach out to PDGMquestions@axxess.com.

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