
Restore Deleted Tasks

Â̲èapp Hospice now enables users to restore tasks that have been deleted from a patient’s chart in error. By enabling users to restore deleted tasks, this enhancement helps organizations streamline operations, save time and maintain accurate documentation.

To restore deleted tasks, users must have permission to delete tasks in Â̲èapp Hospice.

Delete Tasks Permission

To give a user permission to delete tasks, edit the user’s profile and navigate to the Permissions tab. In the Clinical section, select Delete next to the Tasks permission. Click Save to finish granting the permission to the user.

People tab ➜ People Center ➜ Edit ➜ Permissions tab ➜ Clinical section ➜ Tasks ➜ Delete ➜ Save

Restore Deleted Tasks

To access deleted tasks, navigate to the patient’s chart and select Deleted Tasks under Quick Links.

Patients tab ➜ Patient Charts ➜ Quick Links ➜ Deleted Tasks

Once Deleted Tasks is selected, the following information will appear for each deleted task:



Scheduled Date


Scheduled To




Deleted Date


Deleted By




To search for a task by name, type in the search box. Once the desired task is found, select Restore under Actions to restore the task back to its original status.

Updated on 01/12/2023